Tag Archives: cleaning

7 Uses for Those White Cotton Cleaning Cloths

There are many people out there who understand what we mean when we say, “Ahhh. The thrill of opening a new package of sparkling-white cotton cleaning cloths!”  A little dramatic, you say? Well, here are some ideas on how you could use those cloths, starting with the [ ]

Our Top 5 Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products

If you’ve been thinking about switching to eco-friendly cleaning products, read on. Maybe you’ve heard that green cleaners aren’t as tough on dirt as their toxic counterparts. These products give you the best of both worlds, while saving our world! You want your cleaning products to be [ ]

7 Tips for Cleaning Hairspray Off Bathroom Surfaces

Hairspray. Wonderful on your hair, not so great on everything else. Unless you go outside to spray your hair, you’ll need to periodically clean up the hairspray overspray. Here are some tips from your cleaning experts at Speed Cleaning: Use rubbing/isopropyl alcohol (70%) on a cotton ball [ ]

Speed Cleaning Apron Worn By Major League Players

Debbie Sardone, owner of Speed Cleaning together with husband Steve Sardone, is a familiar face (and voice) in the North Texas media and beyond, having appeared several times on local morning shows, hosting her own radio podcast Cleaning UP with Debbie Sardone, and more. Now she’s made [ ]

5 Cleaning & Household Tools to Assist Seniors

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, approximately 1 in every 7 Americans is age 65 or older. And as active as today’s seniors tend to be, many have experienced even just a slight decline in mobility, flexibility, and strength. When it comes to [ ]