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What To Do When You Spill The Juice!

Spilled grape juice on carpet A great fear for spills on our precious carpet is grape juice!  If you’re like me you try to blot with water mixed with whatever cleaner you have.   After our best attempts are made we still see a relatively light stain left [ ]

It’s fall, y’all!

Fall (or as we call it here in Texas – Summer Part 2) is almost here! It’s my favorite time of year.  Admittedly, we don’t have as much of the fall colors as other parts of the country, but it’s still a great time with football, cooler temps and all things pumpkin spice. The term “nesting” didn’t come to my consciousness until shortly after 9/11 in 2001.  The country had just experienced such tragedy and many people were fearful to leave their homes and were really taking stock of the things that mattered to them most.  People that hadn’t previously [ ]

What’s in Your Dust? A potentially cancer-causing toxin and more!

A new study on household dust has revealed that it’s loaded with toxins, which can be inhaled and absorbed through the skin. Ten harmful chemicals were found in 90% of the dust samples taken from homes in fourteen states. The second most prevalent chemical was phenols which [ ]