Do You Have Fur-niture?

Do You Have Fur-niture? Tips for cleaning up pet hair in your home We love our furry family members, that’s for sure. But gosh – keeping the pet hair down to a minimum in our homes is a constant battle. Here are some tried-and-true tips for staying on top of the pet hair situation. Starting at the top, get your air ducts cleaned regularly, perhaps annually, and change your air filters regularly as well. It’s said that whatever you would normally find in your vacuum cleaner bag or cup is also found in your air ducts. When dusting hard surfaces like tables, lamps, and electronics, use a microfiber cloth lightly misted with plain water. Microfiber naturally has an electrostatic charge, which attracts the pet hair, and the mist of water further helps to grab the hair. However, too much moisture will take the charge away. Fabric sofas, chairs, and toss pillows can be de-furred with a damp rubber glove, a rubber squeegee, or a rubber-nubbed pet hair removal brush. A great choice is Sp

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